Gustafsons' Island

Our vacation on Kauai

My Photo
Location: Vancouver, Washington, United States

My name is Suzy. My first guide dog was named Mirage. She retired to Mari in February 2013. Pilgrim is my second guide dog. We are graduates of Guide Dogs for the Blind.I have a progressive degenerative genetic eye condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa and I see as if through a keyhole. I am thankful for my remaining eyesight. I appreciate the companionship and mobility Mirage and Pilgrim bring to my life.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Going Bananas

Well, for the first time we didn't sleep very well. Advanced Relax Deeply was so strenuous, my kidneys ached. And the sheets were tucked in too tightly, we could hardly move.

We began the day eating bananas (and pinepple and waffles). Watching the humpback whales go bananas. Three were breeching at a time. Pec slaps, tail slaps and head slaps! Bonkers and Bananas!

We retreated to the pool for a soothing and invigorating dip. I painted the little torch ginger by my chair, against the graying sky, while Dan read.

Yoga took the last ounce of energy out of me. The Pose of the Day therefore will be Viparita Karani, or Legs up the Wall. It is most restorative! You can elevate your hips on a folded blanket for a deeper abdominal experience.

"The body is the temple
The asanas (poses) its prayers." ~ Bhavani

"Keep the enthusiasm!
and relax . . . yoga is a process and there is no end point.
Sip the nectar in each moment." ~ Bhavani

After a slice of pizza and a salad, we headed for the Kilauea Lighthouse, the northern most point in the Hawaiian Islands. The whales were going Bananas, so was Dan, intently observing all the activity in the protected waters, where it's birthing season. The whales are an alluring aspect of this annual winter retreat. And here's a great photo of Hawaii's state bird, the Nene (Hawaiian goose).

Then we drove around looking for Hale Luana, the place where Susan Cowan and her Art Adventure will meet to paint next month. She began my love affair with watercolors last June.

Then a trip to the grocery so we can prepare fish tacos and mashed potatoes for dinner tonight. Dan will cook as I am out of energy.

Hence the importance of slowing down, putting your gorgeous legs up the wall and drawing the breath into your temple. Opening the channels of healing and compassion for yourself.

Hey, gotta go. Now the waves are going bananas; crashing surf and swells to fifteen feet.

Namaste, Susan with Joy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Susan, Glorious sunshine here in vancouver for all of this week. It seems amzing after weeks and weeks of steady rain! The spring bulbs are peeking out everywhere, and it is with anticipation that I watch and wait to see what treasures are hidden within them. Springtime is wonderful.

Did you enjoy Hale Luana? Any photos?. I took an art class from Susan Cowan one summer. It was fun becasue we did so many on-site paintings....a new location every week. That was a new experience for me.

Time to go outside and do yardwork before I head off to work for the afternoon & evening. Aloha, Lorraine

7:48 AM  

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